Appeals and Collections
Insurance payers deploy consistent, denial edits on the medical collections process. These denial edits continuously introduced by the payers create reasons to significantly delay or deny payment permanently. At RevNu Med, we understand this, and know how to respond.

Reviews & Appeals
The appeal preparation and management process can be cumbersome and an inefficient use of already limited resources. Our “Appeals and Collections Management” division will assist you by reviewing the denial, determining whether or not the denial may be appealed and managing the appeal process. This includes composing custom letters of appeal, corresponding with the insurance carriers and supplying necessary documentation in support of the appeal.
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Our “Appeals and Collections Management” team knows there is no one solution for all A/R collection accounts. When it comes to insurance collection and reducing your A/R, we have the knowledge and understanding of how issues and disputes arise specific to the hearing healthcare industry, and that is what sets us apart from other “standard” collection agencies.

Recover Lost Revenue
At RevNu Med our team of collectors are specifically training in the art of recovery for our industry, and we only get paid, when you get paid. Let us show you how we can decrease your 90+ day A/R and recover that lost revenue – Success – Together !
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